Informed Consent

Informed Consent

I, [Participant's Full Name], acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in the exercise classes and activities offered by Coach Flisha ("Coach Flisha") at various locations, including but not limited to local congregations in Kaufman County, Texas. I understand that the exercise classes may involve physical exertion and that there are inherent risks associated with participating in physical activities.

I have been informed and understand the nature of the exercises and activities involved in Coach Flisha's classes. I understand that I have the option to decline or modify any exercise or activity that I feel is beyond my capabilities or comfort level. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify Coach Flisha of any medical conditions, injuries, or concerns that may affect my ability to participate fully in the classes.

I am aware that the exercise classes may involve the use of equipment and facilities. I agree to use such equipment and facilities responsibly and follow all safety guidelines provided by Coach Flisha.

I acknowledge that Coach Flisha and its representatives have made no guarantees regarding the results or outcomes of participating in the exercise classes. I understand that individual results may vary and that the level of success I achieve depends on various factors, including my commitment, effort, and adherence to the program.

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understood this Informed Consent and that I voluntarily consent to participate in Coach Flisha's exercise classes.

Participant's Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18 years old): __________________________ Date: __________________________

Unleash Your Potential with Personalized 1-on-1 Coaching!

Discover the joy of personalized 1-on-1 coaching designed just for you, with love and kindness in every session. Elevate your journey with Coach Flisha's guidance in 30-minute sessions, embracing physical well-being, spiritual growth, and unwavering support. Ignite your spirit, unleash your inner champion, and celebrate victories together. Take the first step now and experience the transformative power of personalized coaching. Let's embrace a brighter, healthier future - hand in hand!

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